
The public sympathised with Syria after Aylan Kurdi but still don't want refugees

Since the publication of the photos of Aylan Kurdi on the shore of Turkey, national interest in the refugee crisis has dramatically increased.

The issues surrounding immigration and refugees have been brought into the limelight and a recent poll by YouGov suggests the public have shifted priorities in response.

More people than previously believe that the UK should be a place of refuge for those who have fled from conflict and persecution overseas.

Those that agree with this sentiment, now 43 per cent, have overtaken those that disagree with this sentiment, now 33 per cent.

Labour and Liberal Democrat supporters predominately are most supportive of the notion that Britain should accept more refugees from Syria, whereas Ukip are the least supportive.

The response also differs for the situation of those seeking to come to Britain. British adults are now most likely to support the notion of accepting refugees from Syria, than those from other countries or than people who are in search of a better life.

In addition, Syria has now overtaken Ethiopia as the country most perceived, of the offered options, as in need of UK foreign aid - by a significant margin.

However, despite some changes in perception, the majority of British adults, 51 per cent, do not support Britain admitting more refugees from Syria, compared to 3 per cent who do, and 13 per cent who don't know.

More:Remember this refugee family? They are safe and well in Germany

More:An open letter to anyone who ever talked down the refugee crisis

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