A charming little place by the sea, Inversnecky Café has developed quite a social media presence.
Named after a comedy skit by comedian Harry Gordon, the café by the sea offers coffee and baked goods in abundance.
And dad jokes.
Picture: Martin Vicca/Facebook
Martin Vicca, the owner, talked to indy100 about the special board outside his café, which is regularly filled with excellent comedy.
Vicca posts different puns every few days, on the café's Facebook page.
We see the puns, who’s winning?
I’m winning. I write most of them – and when I’m away or on holiday, Wendy makes fun of me.
Although Vicca writes most of them, occasionally his colleagues, Scott and Wendy chime in too.
Picture: Martin Vicca/Facebook
Picture: Martin Vicca
What’s been the most popular dad joke?
The one about the spoon.
Picture: Martin Vicca
So how did these puns come to be?
It started two years ago. It was coming to the end of summer-we’re right beside the beach. We bought a board to advertise the specials. It arrived, and I came across a joke about hipsters on Facebook. It tickled my fancy, so I put it on the board.
Picture: Martin Vicca
What kind of reactions have you had from customers?
Generally been really positive. People stop to read it; one man was driving his car past the sign, reversed and drove back so he could look at the other side.
Customers also come in with suggestions-one chap was able to pick up on certain puns that work with Aberdeen. I couldn’t do it without help from customers!
Picture: Martin Vicca
Picture: Martin Vicca
The whole series of ‘cow’ puns which rely on knowing that people around here will talk about a ‘wee calf’ or a ‘week aff’.
Picture: Martin Vicca
Picture: Martin Vicca
We are open all year round right at the beach which is why we have summer and winter puns.
Many of the puns come from my own experience...the 'hell freezes over' as my anniversary is in August.
Picture: Martin Vicca
The café has been in the Vicca’s family for over a hundred years.
We do simple well-cooked comfort food. Bacon rolls, sausages etc. Good coffee and ice-cream of course.
And puns. Don’t forget the puns.
Picture: Martin Vicca
HT BuzzFeed
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