
17 reasons why these 2016 Trump voters will never vote for him again

Donald Trump received a total of 62,984,828 votes during the 2016 US election.

But not every one of those voters are proud of what they did, if the Twitter account “Trump Regrets” (@Trump_Regrets) is anything to go by.

The account is simple – it seeks out people who admit to voting for Trump in 2016 but who now say they regret their decision.

And their reasons for doing so are varied:

1. ‘The worst possible leader at the worst possible time’

2. Healthcare

3. Lying

4. ‘Name calling’

5. Immigration

6. ‘Childish’ leader

7. Golf

8. ‘Racist, sexist, homophobe’

9. TikTok

10. ‘Lack of ethical leadership’

11. Government shutdown

12. Tweets

13. Coronavirus

14. Climate science denial

15. ‘Racism and fascism’

16. Conspiracy theories

17. ‘Narcissistic personality’


The US election is on 3 November and it sounds like Trump has at least 17 less people voting for him.

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