Being stuck at home means that you might be able to take up a few new hobbies – baking bread, knitting, puzzles. But if you’re lucky enough to live in London or Kent, you may want to take up UFO hunting.
Fresh Student Living looked through years of government records about UFO sightings to find out where the best spots were.
Strangely enough, London was top of the list – 54 UFO sightings in a year were recorded by people in London, although it didn’t say which location. With less light pollution, the sky might be a little clearer now.
The other locations are Kent, with 30 sightings, Lancashire with 24, and Derbyshire and Essex with 22.
The Midlands seems to be a particular hotspot for those kinds of sightings, with over 109 sightings in the counties that make it up.
Other places that recorded UFO sightings include Oxford, Swansea and Surrey.
This information has only recently become publicly available – the RAF used to be responsible for keeping records on when and where people said they spotted UFOs.
It was shut down in 2009, which is when the latest figures seem to be from. Over the time that this section of the RAF was collecting this information, there were 626 UFO sightings.
But the people who spotted UFOs – and cared enough to tell someone about it – weren’t just enthusiasts.
Police officers and journalists reported them, as did air traffic controllers – surely the group of people most prepared to spot something unusual in the sky.
The best time for spotting UFOs also seems to be between 8pm and midnight. If you’re looking for pointers on what to keep your eyes peeled for, some of the reports included descriptions of what people saw too – one from London says:
An object with a white and alternating red lights at an angle. Came from South East London towards Canary Wharf. It stopped in mid-air and an alternating sequence of red lights flashed at 180 degrees. Lights switched side instantly.
In a YouGov survey from 2015, the majority of British people surveyed indicated that they believed alien life could exist. Some would say that the truth is out there.