
This usher was just doing his job when the camera panned around to him, then something amazing happened

American sporting events are just as much about the crowds in attendance as they are about the athletes.

Compared to British crowds, which can often resemble patrons at a library, US sports fans go above and beyond to make a game truly memorable.

It would appear that it's not just the crowds who can provide the entertainment these days, it's the staff at the stadiums too.

An usher who was working at the Houston Toyota Centre during the Houston Rockets NBA fixture against the Portland Trailblazers caught everyone's attention for all the right reasons.

While the cameras were searching for someone interesting in the audience, this young usher could resist the chance to showcase his dance moves and boy could he dance.

Although it does remind us a bit of Napoleon Dynamite we have to give credit where credit is due, that was amazing.

Sure, he could have possibly been a plant from the social media team to get those viral clicks but, honestly, this is far too good to be cynical about.

The clip has already been seen more than 400,000 times so it's clearly done the business for the Rockets, who incidentally won the game 96-94.

HT Mashable

More: 12 differences between America and Britain

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