Josh Barrie
Apr 03, 2016
Now we're in the promising clutches of spring, we must think of the baby birds. They're hatching out of their cosy eggs.
It's our responsibility to care for the environment, and in a dangerous world, the song of fluffy new birds is welcome.
While it's the common order of things for cats and foxes to get hatchlings, nestlings, and fledglings, there are steps animal welfare charities suggest we can take if you do find a chick away from the nest. You never know - it might be a rare or protected bird.
If you find any who are yet to learn to fly, it's important to keep cats and dogs away if you can, and check shrubs and trees for nests before doing any trimming of branches.
This infographic from the website Bird and Moon is a helpful, quick guide for springtime:
More: Watching a group of birds fly away at the same time is mesmerising
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