
What you need to know about the Watcher, the creepiest real-life story ever

What you need to know about the Watcher, the creepiest real-life story ever

A family of four move into their beautiful new dream home. Within days, they start receiving letters that read "Why are you here? I will find out" and “Have they found out what’s in the walls yet?”.

But it's not the opening of a horror movie. For the Broaddus family of Westfield, New Jersey, it's reality.

No way.

Yes way. The family was forced to flee their new $1.3million home after moving in this month and immediately receiving several threatening letters from someone who calls themselves "the Watcher." Note: For the purposes of simplicity the individual calling themselves "the Watcher" will be referred to as just the Watcher for the rest of this article.

Who is the Watcher?

One of the letters reads:

Who am I? I am the Watcher and have been in control of [the address of the house] for the better part of two decades now.

He or she claims the six-bedroomed suburban house "has been the subject of my family for decades”: their grandfather watched it in the 1920s, their father in the 1960s, and "it is now my time... I have been put in charge of watching and waiting for its second coming". The meaning of the "it" the Watcher is referring to is unclear.

What does the Watcher want?

The tone of the letters is terrifying.

All of the windows and doors in [the house] allow me to watch you and track you as you move through the house... Who has the bedrooms facing the street? I'll know as soon as you move in... It will help me to know so I can plan better

[The house] cries for the past and what used to be in the time when I roamed its halls, when I ran from room to room imagining the life with the rich occupants there

You don't want to make [the house] unhappy. Have you found all the secrets it holds. Why are you here? I will find out

The Watcher has also specifically threatened the family's children.

Did you fill the house with the young blood I requested? Once I know their names I will call to them and draw them to me.

I am pleased to know your names now, and the name of the young blood you have brought to me.

Will the young bloods play in the basement? Have they found out what’s in the walls yet?

I watch and wait for the day when the young blood will be mine again

How long has the Watcher been doing this?

It appears the previous occupants were also threatened by the Watcher - the letters say:

I asked the Woods to bring me young blood

The Woods family turned [the house] over to you it was their time to move on and kindly sold it when I asked them to"

The Broaddus family have filed a law suit against the Woods for not telling them about the creepy threats when they sold the house.

So what happens now?

According to Gawker, Westfield’s mayor Andy Skibitsky had to call a town meeting because local residents are so freaked out. He said the letters have been classified as a "disorderly person’s crime" and "our police department conducted an exhaustive investigation based on the factual circumstances and evidence available".

No charges have been made yet so for now, the Watcher is still watching.

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