
This 20 second clip of Boris Johnson trying to string words together is baffling

Yesterday, Boris Johnson delivered a press conference aimed at providing clarity over the coronavirus crisis and communicating that the last stage of lockdown will be delayed for four weeks until 19 July.

A simple task? Not for Johnson who stuttered over his words with all the comprehensibility of a drunk uncle at a wedding and, once again, left people scratching their heads trying to work out what he was saying.

There’s a moment in particular that encapsulated his spluttering. When trying to say that, by 19 July, enough people will be vaccinated to slow the rising rate of infections and therefore allowing the UK to unlock safely, he instead said: “Um, er, two thirds of, of adults aged, er, er, all adults in the country will have had, will have had two doses by the end of er, er, by [INCOMPREHENSIBLE BORIS JOHNSON] by July the 19th we will have all adults, everybody.”

?! How very statesmanlike...

And people were baffled. Posting on social media some people thought Johnson was drunk, though we very much doubt it:

Others expressed their sympathy for the sign language interpreter, charged with translating Johnson’s ramblings for deaf viewers, something that would have been no easy task given nothing Johnson was saying was actual words.

Since Johnson can’t communicate, we’ll do it for him. The final throes of lockdown - meaning no clubs and no more than six people inside - will carry on until 19 July and not, as previously promised, until 21 June.

It’s a decision that has relieved some and riled others but Johnson has said this will be the last time he plucks dates out of the sky that people pin their hopes on and we hope he is right.

But regardless of whether it is, it would be nice if her could brush up on his public speaking a bit next time he needs to address the nation. Just a bit.

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