
Historian claims that classic British sitcoms caused Brexit

Historian claims that classic British sitcoms caused Brexit
Fawlty Towers 'A room with a view'

A historian has claimed that classic British sitcoms contributed to Brexit.

Sound weird? Well writing in the book British Humour and the Second World War: Keep Smiling Through, University of Birmingham historian, Professor Gavin Schaffer,suggested that classic sitcoms such as 'Allo, 'Allo!, Dad's Army and Fawlty Towers reveal political attitudes that have permeated over time, specifically British people's ambivalence towards Europe and their wish to be different.

'Allo, 'Allo was a sitcom about the French resistance during WW2.

Professor Schaffer said: "Many Britons took 'Allo 'Allo to their hearts as it presented a light-hearted reflection of European differences, that ultimately spoke to the core differences between Britain and her European neighbours.

"The show also tells us something about how British attitudes to Europe were changing and not changing in the late 80 and early 90s, as Britain edged closer to her European neighbours. Despite closer bonds, British voices of Euroscepticism never strayed too far from suspicions rooted in the Second World War."

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The academic added: '"The argument that there was something specifically British about being able to laugh at yourself was key to much of the public affection for 'Allo 'Allo."

He added: "This helps to explain British-European relations in this period - illustrating the extent to which British people considered their outlook, and principles, different and exceptional.

"Continuing affection for this kind of humour points to something of a British blind spot about the legacy of the War and the barriers between Britain and the rest of Europe.

"What lurks in the shadows is a nation deeply ill at ease with its European neighbours and itself. Listening very carefully to 'Allo 'Allo reveals a story of a nation that remains unready for further European integration."

Well, it's one theory.

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