
Lee Anderson broke parliament rules with GB News promotional ad

Lee Anderson broke parliament rules with GB News promotional ad
Poor families 'more resourceful' in past, says Lee Anderson

Lee Anderson is in trouble - again.

The Tory MP faces a telling off for using a parliamentary rooftop to film a promotion video for his GB News TV show, even though unauthorised photography or filming is not permitted on the parliamentary estate.

The serjeant at arms, who is responsible for upholding order in the Commons, will contact Anderson, the Conservative party deputy chairman, over the Twitter footage, as first reported by the Mirror.

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Using Parliament Square and Whitehall as the backdrop, the MP for Ashfield asked viewers to get in touch with their problems for a chance to appear on his new weekly show which he is very well paid for, by the way.

A House of Commons spokesperson told the Guardian: “Unauthorised photography or filming is not permitted on the parliamentary estate.

“Where it is seen or reported to be happening, the individual in question will be asked to stop and reminded of the rules. Where breaches are observed or reported, the serjeant at arms will discuss with (or write to) the member involved to confirm the rules.”

Separate to rules on filming, the MPs’ code of conduct states: “Excepting modest and reasonable personal use, members must ensure that the use of facilities and services provided to them by parliament, including an office, is in support of their parliamentary activities, and is in accordance with all relevant rules.”

What a shambles.

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