
Question Time audience member called a 'hero' for telling Tory MP why they deserve to lose

Question Time audience member called a 'hero' for telling Tory MP why they deserve to lose
'Read the room', Question Time audience member tells Tory minister
Question Time, BBC

A Conservative MP was given a dressing down on Question Time, with an audience member called a ‘hero’ on social media after listing reasons why the Tories deserve to lose the next election.

Rishi Sunak stood in the rain outside Downing Street on Wednesday (May 22) and announced that the UK is heading for a snap election on July 4.

Now, in an instalment of Question Time filmed in Coventry, a member of the audience tore into the government’s record over the past 14 years.

Tory MP for Sherwood Mark Spencer appeared on the show and tried to focus on the economy, saying it had ‘turned a corner’ with inflation falling.

However, the man in the crowd wasn’t having any of it.

“You say the economy has turned a corner…” he began. “No-one is feeling it. You take a walk round Coventry city centre, it's changed. People are having to choose between heating their homes and feeding their kids. The NHS is on its knees, knife crime and youth violence is rising all over the country.”

The man added: “Your party has let us down over the last 14 years. You’re going to lose, you’re going to lose terribly, and you’re going to deserve to lose.”

The man, whose name is Kam, went onto Twitter/X after the show and posted about the moment, saying: "Phones blowing up and I’m a bit overwhelmed but thank you for all the nice messages about my lil rant on national TV tonight."

Outspoken critic of the government, Carol Vorderman, highlighted another moment in the show, which saw host Fiona Bruce accuse Spencer of "cherry picking" figures on the economy.

"Another Tory handed his butt on a plate this time by Fiona Bruce," Vorderman wrote.

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