
Tucker Carlson mocked after Trump interview turns to the bizarre subject of dogs

Tucker Carlson mocked after Trump interview turns to the bizarre subject of dogs
Trump goes on bizarre dogs rant during Tucker Carlson interview
Tucker Carlson Tonight, Fox News

It was described by Fox News as an “historic interview” with former US president Donald Trump, and to be fair, controversial broadcaster Tucker Carlson’s chat probably was – in that it was likely the first TV interview in which the Republican went on a tangent about dogs.

Yes, really.

Mr Trump, who is looking to secure the Republican nomination for next year’s presidential election, gave the interview after he was arrested last week on hush money charges – charges he denies.

In addition to talking about that decision – including the claim that courthouse staff in New York were “crying” when he was arrested – he discussed the US’s decision to pull troops out of Afghanistan back in 2021.

At least this time he mentioned the right country

Anyway, he told Carlson: “They left everything. They left at the dark of night.

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“They left the lights on. They left the dogs, by the way…”

Carlson couldn’t believe it. With a shocked expression on his face, he repeated: “They left the dogs?”

Mr Trump continued: “They left the dogs … I love dogs, you love dogs.

“But they left dogs. People said, one of the first questions I got, ‘what did they do with the dogs?’”

It could well be the most bizarre yet important question since Baha Men asked ‘who let the dogs out’?

Twitter, of course, thought it was absolutely hilarious:




At the time of the US’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, it was reported that America had allegedly left behind working service dogs.

Robin R Ganzert, president of the Washington-based non-profit American Humane, said: “These brave dogs do the same dangerous, lifesaving work as our military working dogs, and deserve a far better fate than the one to which they have been condemned.

“It sickens us to sit idly by and watch these brave dogs who valiantly served our country be put to death or worse,”

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