
The Rock had the most amazing response to a girl who asked him to prom

Let's be honest. It's impossible not to love Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

Even if his movies aren't always the greatest thing you've ever seen, his overall positivity and charisma make him easily one of the most popular actors in Hollywood today.

If you happen to follow him on social media, you will know that he's all about spreading goodwill. But every now and again, he'll go above and beyond to make someone's day.

Take, for instance, Katie Kelzenberg, a high-school student from Minnesota who sent a message to The People's Champion asking him if he would go with her to the school prom.

Not wishing to let Katie down, but realising that he couldn't really go to the prom, The Rock did something else and recorded a very special Instagram message for her.

And not just that, he also vowed that he would rent out an entire cinema screen in her hometown so she and her friends would be able to go an watch his new movie Rampage - and he would pay for the treats, too!

A personal message from The Rock and a cinema all to yourself? What could be better than that?

Well, for Katie, things were about to get a whole lot better, as The Rock sent her another personal message.

This time it wasn't on Instagram but, instead, it was played over the speaker system at her high school.

The video is in two parts so watch both of the videos below to get the full story.

In the caption for the videos, The Rock wrote:

Here’s my surprise morning greeting to the students of Stillwater Area High School in Minnesota, as I call out the very special young lady who asked me to her prom, the awesome Ms Katie Kelzenberg. 

I can’t make her prom because I’ll be in production, but as a surprise gift I bought out her local theatre this weekend so she can bring 232 of her BFF’s to watch a special screening of RAMPAGE.

I'm a lucky lucky man to have such amazing fans like Katie, and moments like this will always be the best and coolest part of my job. Her reaction is everything when she hears me say her name!

Bless him. Why can't everyone be The Rock?

HT Daily Mail

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