The BBC has today unveiled a short trailer for a satirical chat show for BBC Two that will be hosted by a 3D animated version of Vladimir Putin.
Tonight With Vladimir Putin which isstill reportedly in its pilot stage of production is set to feature guests such as June Sarpong, Alastair Campbell, Deborah Frances-White and Joe Swash.
Two 12 minute pilots have been recorded with the animated Russian president interviewing the guests in front of a studio audience.
Putin has been written and created by comedian Nathaniel Tapley, with the show being collectively created by James Gibson, co-creator or The Poke, along with Joel Veitch and Simon Whalley.
In a short preview for the show, Putin appears outside Buckingham Palace talking about the 'forbidden delights of the West' that include blue jeans, rock and roll and Terry Wogan.
A press release from the BBC reads as follows:
Everybody’s favourite bear-wrestling global strongman Vladimir Putin has finally achieved his ultimate goal – a chat-show on the BBC.
Forget global politics, landing two pilot episodes on BBC Two of his soon to be world-famous chat show marks the ultimate victory for Vlad, leader of the free world.
In one episode, June Sarpong discusses her career highs and lows… after which Vlad forces her to play a game of Diversity Challenge.
The two episodes aren't due to air until next month but initial reaction to the first clip has inspired a mixed-but-mostly negative response on social media.
The announcement of the show comes less than a year after the British government accused Russia of sending 'spies' to carry out an assassination attempt on a Russian citizen in Salisbury.
RT, the British-based Russian TV channel was ruled by Ofcom for failing to be impartial on their reporting of the Salisbury poisoning and are facing potential sanctions by the regulatory board.
More: Putin was asked if he wants to rule the world. If his answer doesn't scare you, nothing will