
Every athlete that has got engaged at the Olympics

Every athlete that has got engaged at the Olympics
Chinese badminton player proposed to by fellow athlete after winning gold
Courtesy of Discovery+, Eurosport

With the Paris Olympics well underway, many athletes will be making their sporting dreams come true by bringing home a medal from the “City of Love”.

For others, they’ll also be leaving with another piece of new metalware on their fingers following a series of proposals that have taken place at the games, sparking some debate.

A whole host of proposals have taken place at the Olympics, with some athletes gaining a fiance along with their medals.

Huang Yaqiong and Liu Yuchen

After the gold-medal-winning performance of the Chinese badminton player Huang Yaqiong, her boyfriend, Liu Yuchen, decided to use her medal ceremony to propose to her.

Yuchen, who is also a badminton player, got on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend Yaqiong, with the moment being shared on the big screen for the crowd to watch.

Some accused Yuchen of making the moment about himself and argued he should have allowed Yaqiong to bask in her Olympic glory.

Maria Campoy and Pablo Simonet

Another Olympian pair to get engaged at the games was the Argentinian field hockey player Maria Campoy and handball player Pablo Simonet.

Simonet got down on one knee ahead of the start of the games and used a group photo opportunity to pop the question.

Justin Best

American rower Justin Best will be riding high after not only winning the first rowing gold for Team USA in 60 years but also getting engaged to his girlfriend Lainey Duncan in Paris.

With the Eiffel Tower in the background, Best proposed live on the Today Show with family and friends present and holding 2,738 yellow roses to represent the number of days they have kept their Snapchat streak going.

Payton Otterdahl

The iconic Eiffel Tower was also featured in the proposal of US shot putter Payton Otterdahl, who followed up his fourth-place win in the competition with a proposal to his girlfriend Maddy Nilles the day after.

Alice Finiot

French steeplechase runner Alice Finiot flipped the switch after getting on one knee and proposing to her boyfriend straight after breaking the European record, running under 9 minutes.

Despite not coming away with a medal, Finiot proposed to her Spanish triathlete boyfriend Bruno Martínez Bargiela.

She explained: “I told myself that if I ran under nine minutes, knowing that nine is my lucky number and that we’ve been together for nine years, then I would propose.”

Alev Kelter and Kathryn Treder

Team USA rugby sevens player Alev Kelter came off her bronze medal win with a proposal to her fellow rugby player girlfriend, Kathryn Treder.

The sweet moment in the Museum of Modern Art was captured on video by Team USA skateboarder Heimana Reynolds. While climbing a set of stairs, someone handed Kelter the ring box behind Treder’s back, ensuring it was a complete surprise.

Charlotte Picon and Sarah Steyaert

French women’s skiff sailing team members Charlotte Picon and Sarah Steyaert each came away with not only a bronze medal but a fiance each as well.

Three years prior, both of their respective partners said they would get engaged if they brought home a gold or silver medal.

Despite winning bronze, both women were met at the shore with their boyfriends and a new engagement ring.

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