
Andrew Tate told to 'leave us the f*** alone' after vowing to move to Ireland

Andrew Tate told to 'leave us the f*** alone' after vowing to move to Ireland
Andrew Tate speaks out after Romania arrest: 'My soul is not for …

Andrew Tate has spoken about his wish to move to Ireland one day – and the people of Ireland are definitely not happy about it.

The self-proclaimed misogynist and his brother Tristan are currently awaiting trial on accusations of rape and human trafficking. They both deny the allegations.

The controversial influencer posted about his Irish heritage, saying: “My grandfather was from Limerick.

“My mother half English half Irish.

“Making me one quarter Irish.

“”When this bullshit in Romania is over I’m tempted to move to Ireland and fund/raise awareness for all these brave people saving their nation from being invaded.”

Judging by the reaction on social media, though, Irish people don’t want him moving to the Emerald Isle.

"We're grand, lad. Stay put,” one wrote.

Another posted a clip from TikToker Garron Noone, who seemed to sum up the feelings on social media pretty accurately by saying: "Andrew Tate is claiming to be an Irish man. He's a quarter Irish. Apparently his grandfather was a Limerick man.

"Andrew, the Irish people have received your application to be an Irish man and we are not claiming you."

Garron added: "We feel you don't align with our brand, so f*** off please. Thank you."

"He also wants to move to Ireland once he's out of Romania. Andrew, I'm afraid that simply won't be possible - the airport is broken. There's roadworks and they'll be going on for a good while."

Getty/Garron Noone

Commenting on the idea of Tate defending people from being "invaded", he added: "It sounds like Tate wants to fund the 1916 Rising. Andrew, I'm afraid you're about 100 years too late to spearhead Irish independence. The potatoes have grown back, the English are mostly gone - we just kept the ones we need. Leave us the f*** alone..."

Earlier this year, Tate was criticised for spouting more nonsense online, this time over sexual intercourse and having children - but thankfully, social media users immediately ridiculed the online influencer’s inflammatory remarks.

According to 37-year-old Tate, who has previously claimed he has at least 10 children, said on Elon Musk’s social media platform that men aged 40 or over who have fewer than five children are “probably gay”.

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