Richard Madeley branded 'Tory boy' after defending Rishi Sunak against protesters

Richard Madeley branded 'Tory boy' after defending Rishi Sunak against protesters
British PM Sunak sets July 4 election date as his party faces …
FMM - F24 Video Clips / VideoElephant

Good Morning Britain (GMB) presenter Richard Madeley has been branded a "Tory boy" on social media for comments made about Steve Bray playing out D:Ream's 'Things Can Only Get Better' during Rishi Sunak's election announcement.

Sunak announced a snap general election on May 22 outside 10 Downing Street.

Britain will go to the polls on July 4 when constituents will be able to vote on who they want as their local MP which in turn will inform who becomes Prime Minister based on the number of seats for each political party.

A party must have a majority to form a Government - when there is no majority, the Prime Minister who was in power before the election stays in power and is given first chance to create a Government; they can then decide to negotiate with others to potentially form a coalition.

But during Sunak's announcement, he was competing with Bray, a campaigner, blaring out 'Things Can Only Get Better' from speakers.

It seemed to draw a wry smile from Sunak himself when he figured out what was playing but he carried on undeterred.

This was up for discussion on May 23's episode of Good Morning Britain on ITV and Madeley made his feelings known about the protest.

Speaking on the show, he said: "Well, I did wonder actually - I'm all for free speech... But when the Prime Minister of whatever party is addressing the country. Shouldn't that be cut a bit because it's really important!"

Co-presenter Susanna Reid suggested security should have "accounted" for that sort of behaviour.

But Madeley replied: "An important moment like that, I think the nation has the right to hear what the Prime Minister is saying!"

And social media users have been vocal in their thoughts about what Madeley said.

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