Succession: The best and worst characters ranked

Succession: The best and worst characters ranked
‘Succession’ Season 4 Debut Nabs Series High | THR News

Succession is one of the most popular shows going.

The HBO drama, now in its fourth and final series, has gripped audiences in the US and around the world with its tales of corrupt business negotiations and family drama.

It is hard to call the characters likeable as such, as they are all trying to screw each other over again and again.

That being said, there are still some who are a lot worse than others.

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Below, we rank the characters from best to worst and as always, this ranking is a dictatorship not a democracy.

While Greg and Tom are as scheming as the rest of them, they provide more comic relief than others and their bromance is one of the most real relationships in the show.

For that reason, they get the top spot.

Gerri means well and comes across as pretty decent so she comes second.

The Roy siblings are all as bad/good as each other, often doing awful things but showing moments of humanity in equal measure.

Logan is toxic but the others are boring - and so explains the rest of the list.

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