
The 666 dating trend has returned – but what is it?

The 666 dating trend has returned – but what is it?
From Groundhogging to Breadcrumbing - Welcome to the Circus Of Modern Dating …
India times / VideoElephant

A dating trend has sparked a divisive conversation online. It's called the 6-6-6 dating rule – and no, it has nothing to do with Satan.

The trend has been circulating online for years but has recently made a return for its unapologetically shallow foundations.

Despite tweets such as "living by the 666 rule" dominating the likes of X/Twitter, it appears as though it's nothing but satire about single life and most people aren't taking it too seriously.

So, what is the 6-6-6 dating rule?

It's seemingly a humourous preference in which the man is:

  • 6 foot tall
  • Earns 6 figures
  • Has a 6 pack
It's merely just a dating fantasy – but as most emotionally intelligent adults will be aware, love is much more complicated than having three specific, strict criterias.
Debates have erupted across Reddit, with one writing: "It's the definition of superficial isn’t it? Three surface level traits about the person as a requirement."

"Aw man, I thought this was going to be about only dating princes of darkness," another humoured.

Meanwhile, a third penned: "You can’t help what you’re attracted to. Say you’re someone who is only into men who are over 6’ tall; but if they your dream person was standing there with every other box checked off. Would you be superficial because maybe he’s a bit under 6’0? Kinda yeah. Because you’re into this man for every other reason."


On the flip side, these sorts of silly preferences are nothing new. Take the outdated 'blonde v brunette' debate or the fact that some men are still hung up on the cup debate.

According to Dating by Blaine, "none of these traits are a requirement for most women."

"Height, income, and physique are a tiny subset of the hundreds of traits that make up the greater tableau of who you are, and who she’s hoping to meet," she wrote.

She called it a myth, and believes it persists for two reasons. One being "the '6s' are easy to measure, and things women actually care about aren’t."

Blaine also harshly suggested the 6-6-6 rule enables men to "evade responsibility for their dating woes," adding: "For example, It’s a lot easier on your ego to believe that women aren’t interested in you because you’re short ("my height’s out of my control" —> "being single and unhappy isn’t my fault”) than to believe that women aren’t interested in you because you’re insecure, low-empathy, creepy, or boring."

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