Matthew Champion
Nov 02, 2015
File this one under 'at least they tried'.
Because we don't hold out much hope for a new caffeine-free coffee shop pop-up opening in New York this week.
The Art of Coffee Without Caffeine is now open on Manhattan's Houston Street until November 8, serving only, as the name suggests, decaf drinks.
There's obviously nothing wrong with decaf coffee, and the Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Company's chemical-free decaffeination process has spawned an entire business.
The company's Facebook page promises to guide those craving their decaf fix "through a sensory experience that includes espresso, hand crafted manually brewed coffee and cold brew options".
But as Quartz notes, in 2014 Zagat found that 90 per cent of coffee drinkers understandably wanted, um caffeine, in their coffee.
More: The most effective times of the day to drink coffee, as revealed by science
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