
Amazing person transforms friend's flat into Hogwarts

Amazing person transforms friend's flat into Hogwarts

As if by magic, 28-year-old Katie's flat was transformed to look like the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry - the fictional school that Harry Potter attended.

According to Katie, aka SoButtons on Reddit, her husband has forgotten her birthday three times out the five years of their marriage.

Fortunately for her, her best friend did not forget and made it a day to remember for Katie with exemplary attention to detail.

The home was packed with references to the JK Rowling series - including Moaning Myrtle's haunted toilet, the Hogwarts letters Harry receives through his fireplace and the shifting staircases.

See the full Hogwarts transformation on imgur.

More: The Harry Potter invisibility cloak is one step closer to reality

HT Daily Dot

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