In recent days, Floridians have had some inspired ways to deal with Hurricane Irma.
One Facebook event scheduled for Sunday asked gun owners to repel the hurricane by shooting into the vortex.
The event received so much social media attention that local law enforcement intervened to warn residents against doing that.
Laying down their arms, citizens of Florida have taken up more peaceful ways to deal with the hurricane.
Placate the Gods
Tweeting from Orlando, Florida @Suplexcityb**** shared this beautiful image on Sunday, taken in the rains of Hurricane Irma, depicting a man prostrate before the majesty of nature.
The (glorious) viral tweet paid homage to the weather gods, much of classical art, and to that Pepsi advert starring Kendall Jenner.
The Photoshop campaign and multiple riffs inevitably followed.
What a world.
More: Martin Luther King’s daughter had the best response to that Kendall Jenner Pepsi advert