
Man falls through roof at fashion show, show goes on regardless

Man falls through roof at fashion show, show goes on regardless

A builder who fell through a corrugated tin roof and dropped about 30 feet during a show at London Fashion Week was rushed to hospital, leaving organisers facing questions over why the show was allowed to continue.

International press and fashion buyers had gathered at Topshop’s Show Space in Gray’s Inn Road, near Central London, at around lunchtime on Tuesday.

The section of roofing collapsed over an area backstage, and went unnoticed by a large portion of the audience.

We’re aware people are asking why we didn’t stop the show as soon as we realised what had happened. Medical staff and production security were taking care of him.

The builder was working on an adjacent site to the Topshop show space and walked on the corrugated glass roof on top of the space. As to why he walked on it, we do not know yet – but the slate of glass gave way. He fell in an area to the back of the stage.

  • a Topshop spokesperson

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