
Netflix criticised for pushing 'dangerous' conspiracy theories in 'Ancient Apocalypse'

Netflix criticised for pushing 'dangerous' conspiracy theories in 'Ancient Apocalypse'
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The recent Netflix series Ancient Apocalypse - which explores and challenges what people know about the history of the world - has been criticised for pushing conspiracy theories.

The show sees journalist Graham Hancock who travels the world to uncover some of the mysteries of "lost civilizations" from the pyramids in Mexico's ancient pyramids to the last Ice Age while questioning if there is more than meets the eye.

A guest on the Ancient Apocalypse said the evidence in the series will "demand a rewrite of history as we know it."

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Despite this, people on social media beg to differ.

One person on Twitter wrote: "Why have I watched 6 episodes of this? This bloke's clearly off his f****** head. #AncientApocalypse."

"I have never in my life been accused of saying things I didn't say or of doing things I haven't done like I have this week. The message #AncientApocalypse sends is: truth doesn't matter, and facts are irrelevant. It's a whole ass Netflix-produced multi-hour 'trust me bro,'" another added.

A third wrote: "This show is a dangerous menace - peddling ahistorical blather, debunked archaeology, and guesswork as theory. The first episode - set in West Java, left my jaw on the floor. If you @netflix want to maintain any credibility - then tell better stories."

Someone else who thought the series was "sad" added: "I watched some #AncientApocalypse & I thought it was sad. Scientifically illiterate & littered with circular arguments ofc, but mostly sad. It thinks of humans as small and useless, who couldn't have achieved great things. Humans thousands of years ago were like humans now..."

Elsewhere, media outlets have also branded the show "dangerous," calling Hancock a "compelling host" of the mysteries.

"That's the danger of a show like this. It whispers to the conspiracy theorist in all of us," wrote Stuart Heritage in The Guardian.

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