
This woman is offering to be a stand-in mum at same-sex weddings when disapproving parents refuse

Facebook / Sara Cunningham; iStock / ValaGrenier

This mum is here to remind you the internet can be pure, wholesome and kind to LGBT+ people.

Sara Cunningham, who works for an architecture firm, is volunteering herself as a substitute mum for anyone whose own mum refuses to attend their same-sex wedding.

In a Facebook post, the mother-of-two from Oklahoma wrote:

If you need a mom to attend your same-sex wedding because your biological mom won't. Call me. I'm there. I'll be your biggest fan. I'll even bring the bubbles.

Sara, who is an ordained minister, told BuzzFeed News that having a gay son spurred her activism:

I thought, If my son is going to hell for being gay I'm gonna fight for him like my hair is on fire.

Since then I've gotten educated and no longer believe that — so now I've [been] fighting for him and the LGBTQ community like my hair is on fire because I've seen the power of what fear and ignorance can do.

She has married people across Oklahoma, including plenty of LGBT+ couples, and told the website that this inspired her to make the post:

The post came from hearing from several same-sex couples — how their parents refuse to attend their wedding, or even acknowledge their relationships.

The LGBT+ activist is also the founder of Free Mom Hugs, a group for mothers "who love LGBTQ+ kids" and hope "to see change in the world around us".

People were touched.

Picture: Facebook / Sara Cunningham

Other people volunteered their time too.

Picture: Facebook / Sara Cunningham

More: This woman tried to mock same-sex weddings and the responses are perfect

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