
The top 10 things that make Britons laugh... according to this survey

Humour says a lot about a people. And, while the average British adult laughs 16 times a day, a new survey from Glee Clubs has found it can often be at the expense of others.

Here are the top 10 things that tickle us...

1 In jokes with friends

Like that one about the squirrel... Am I right guys?

(Picture: Legendary Pictures)

2 Stand-up comedy

(Picture: Getty)

3 Children misunderstanding words

(Picture: Ben Watts)

4 In-jokes with partners

(Picture: Evening Standard)

5 Mickey-taking

(Picture: Jeremy Selwyn)

6 Office banter

(Picture: BBC)

7 Old-fashioned jokes

(Picture: BBC)

8 Only Fools and Horses reruns


(Picture: PA)

9 Live TV mistakes

(Picture: PA)

10 TV bloopers shows

(Picture: ITV)
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