
In one tweet, Trump proved he is divorced from reality

Getty Images / Mario Tama

United States President Donald Trump gave a press conference yesterday and the whole world scratched their heads.

During proceedings, Donald Trump:

  • Rambled incoherently
  • Got called out by a journalist for lying about his electoral college victory
  • Insulted the press repeatedly
  • Stressed his administration was a rousing success, in the face of extensive criticism in the media
  • Said "North Korea – we’ll take care of it folks"

And that is by no means an exhaustive list.

And now, in the aftermath of such a bemusing performance, Trump has tweeted:

Thank you for all of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday. [Talk show host] Rush Limbaugh said one of greatest ever. Fake media not happy!

Twitter users responded brilliantly:

More: Projections showing naked, pregnant Trump spooned by Putin shown in New York

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