
Khloe Kardashian says she doesn't 'see colour' and people are pointing out why that's a bad thing

Khloe Kardashian says she doesn't 'see colour' and people are pointing out why that's a bad thing
ANGELA WEISS / Staff / Getty Images

Khloe Kardashian has caused offence with her latest claims on Twitter that she doesn't 'see colour' in her household - only emotion, action, energy and love.

The reality TV star and businesswoman took to the social media site to defend herself after her daughter True Thompson was attacked by racist trolls online, however many weren't impressed with her sentiments.

Khloe made the comment about the racist trolling during a conversation with a fan:

I try to put myself in their shoes &maybe they were brought up in a different type of household then I was.

So instead of shaming I try to educate.

In our household we do not see color.

We see emotion and action.

We see love.

We feed off of energy

As soon as she made the comments, fans picked up on it, and called her out.

Many called not seeing colour 'erasure'.

Others told her to 'do better'.

And that her 'blindness' leads to 'deafness'.

Some said that the reason it's harmful is because we must be open to people's differences.

And that the issue is that other people see colour.

Khloe Kardashian has yet to respond to the criticisms, and hasn't offered any further explanation, or apology regards the tweet.

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