
Bride-to-be rages after guests refuse to pay $3,000 to attend her wedding

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Angry brides-to-be becoming furious at their wedding guests before the big day seem to be something of a trend at the moment.

First, we had 'Canadian Susan' who wanted her guests to pay $1,500 so she could have her fairytale wedding. They obviously refused.

Then we had a bride on Mumsnet who was livid that her maid of honour had the audacity to get engaged before her wedding.

Now we have a bride that could potentially top both of those in terms of ludicrous demands and expectations.

A post shared on Reddit by a user named so_long_and_thanks showed a Facebook post from an anonymous woman complaining about her wedding guests.

It all started when she and her fiancee decided to hold their wedding in Thailand which would have cost the guests $3,000 to attend.

When only nine people out of 150 RSVP'd she decided to switch the wedding to Hawaii, which was only $1,000 cheaper.

Not only did that not work, even fewer people confirmed that they would be attending.

In a rage, she unleashed hellfire on Facebook and even threatened to delete people from her friend list.

Firstly, she should have considered herself lucky that her nine of her friends were willing to travel to the other side of the world before changing her plans. Take what you can get, right?

I'm sure her 'friends' are gutted that she'll be deleting them from Facebook if they don't reply in time but to then complain about the registry is something else.

The post quickly picked up a lot of comments on Redditand it's safe to say that there wasn't a lot of sympathy going around.

We should take into consideration that this is Reddit and not everything is strictly true on the internet, but perhaps the most surprising thing in all of this the original Facebook post received 11 likes and 2 shares.

HT SomeECards

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