
Ricky Gervais responds to question asking whether Will Smith would have slapped him

Ricky Gervais responds to question asking whether Will Smith would have slapped him
Will Smith Apologizes for Hitting Chris Rock

Ricky Gervais has spoken about what would have happened if he were in Chris Rock's shoes at the Oscars this year.

Discussing the slap that was heard across the world, Gervais suggested that he would have taken a much different approach if he were behind Will Smith's hand.

As a five-time host of the Golden Globes, Gervais knows a thing or two about hosting an awards show. So when someone asked him what would have been this reaction on Twitter, he had a response ready.

One Twitter user posed the question, "Thought experiment: same scene, same joke, but replace Chris Rock with Ricky Gervais."

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"You're basically asking if he would slap a much heavier, angrier, drunker man😂" Gervais replied.

In other words, Gervais doesn't envision that Smith would do the same thing to him as he did to Rock due to his stature and anger levels—a very fair assessment.

One person said: "Replace Chris Rock with @TheRock & there’s definitely NO slap… Ricky already proved his ability to dodge any manner of retaliation when he stood next to Mel Gibson & asked 'what’s sugar t*ts mean' & was met with roaring laughter."

"How about: same scene, better jokes and Mr Gervais shaking people from the pedestal they’re standing on," wrote one Twitter user.

In another tweet, Gervais revealed what he would have opened the Oscars with if he had hosted.

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