
Women are using some epic sarcasm to take on sexual harassment

Picture: istock
Picture: istock

Sexual harassment tends to happen largely towards women.

In fact, one recent survey found that 99 per cent of women said they had been sexually harassed in some way in the street.

Social media is also a platform for (mainly) men to sexually harass (mainly) women with very little consequence - but as a woman going by the Twitter handle @imjustceej showed us this weekend, it can be a great place to vent:

Women online picked up on the sarcasm of 'No woman ever' and turned it into a hashtag to share their own experiences with every day sexual harassment...

Like telling women to "smile" because she owes it to a man to be happy

And how catcalling from a car is definitely the way to find true love.

And a bit of reverse psychology is definitely the way to go, boys...

Where's my hug?

Unwanted sexual advances at the gym is just what every girl wants…

And a bit of mansplaining goes a long way, gentlemen

But some women's experiences highlighted the sinister aspects of sexual harassment...

And how frightening it can be.

That sexual harassment isn't just "a bit of fun"

And touching women without their permission is not okay

Nor is following a woman home.

@imjustceej told BuzzFeed:

The sad thing is that my mentions are still filled with men who don’t understand that women have a right and reason to be afraid of the way that they’re approached in public, and it might not be a good idea.

More: When a guy sent this woman an unsolicited dick pic, he got much more than he bargained for

More: One third of British women have been groped in public

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