
What is the 'Tinselling' Christmas dating trend?

What is the 'Tinselling' Christmas dating trend?
'Tinselling' is a cheery holiday dating trend — but is it actually …
New York Post / VideoElephant

Although Christmas is described as the most wonderful time of the year, there is no denying there is a lot of pressure too - from buying gifts to organising dinner and catching up with relatives.

With all this going on, some couples can lose their romantic spark and there is now a word to define this feeling.

Tina Wilson, Relationship Expert and founder of the Wingman App, coined the term "tinselling" to refer to couples who ignore problems and hide cracks in their relationship during the festive season.

Although it's festive, why is it called "tinselling"?

Tinsel is used to decorate a Christmas tree, but more specifically to cover up any gaps, or rough patches on the tree - like couples who conceal their problems at this time of the year.

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“The name draws inspiration from the shiny, cheerful veneer of tinsel, which is used to decorate during the festive season, covering what is beneath," Wilson explained to Tyla.

“They [couples] choose to maintain a façade of harmony and togetherness. All while overlooking unresolved problems in the relationship.”

She described this as a "deliberate decision" for couples to put off their woes until the festivities are over in the New Year, with January being the time partners "need to sit down and chat about their relationship," with the possibility of a breakup certainly on the cards as they seek a fresh start.

Elsewhere, 'penny dating' has been described as the most toxic trend of the year, while ‘Phubbing’ is the number one dating trend to avoid.

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