
People are reminiscing on their biggest worries when they were 11 and it's a serious nostalgia trip

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Remember being 11-years-old? You know, the first year of secondary school when puberty is kicking in, and the tipping point between innocence and cynicism?

Well, now people have been sharing examples of their biggest problems at this pivotal time in their lives, and quite frankly some are making us want to return to a simpler time.

It's hard growing up and becoming an adult. We lose trust in politicians, start worrying about the impending destruction of the planet from climate change, and have a daily wrestle with existential questions such as 'why are we here'; 'what's it all about'; and 'what should I get for dinner from Tesco?'

Now, we're taking you back to a time before you grew up and wondered how many organs you'd have to sell to get onto the London property ladder.

Be prepared to be transported back to a more 'innocent' time...

1. Starting your period.

2. Unreturned library books.

3. Worrying about being the quiet kid.

4. Navigating your parents' divorce.

5. Pokemon.

6. Grades at school.


8. Finally asking out your crush, only to get rejected.

9. There were some pretty harrowing ones, too.

10. Fake ankle tattoos.


12. Social anxiety.

13. Bullying.

14. Figuring out your sexuality.

15. Being a 'sneeze pooter'.

HT Someecards

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