Conrad Duncan
Nov 13, 2019

Conservatives/Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson’s election broadcast tried to copy Vogue but ended up looking more like The Office.
All of the political parties have been trying out creative (and mainly terrible) new ways to campaign online in this election and let’s just say that the Conservatives are not naturals at social media…
Their latest attempt to win over younger voters is a rip-off of Vogue’s 73 Questions format, in which celebrities answer rapid-fire questions in a single-shot take.
The video series is a pretty big deal – here’s an example starring Kim Kardashian with nearly 40 million views.
Unsurprisingly, Johnson’s attempt is a lot less glamorous, as he bumbles his way through just 12 questions in a soulless Conservative Party office.
Although the video mainly sees Johnson responding to soft-ball questions with his stock answers for this election, we did learn a few things about him.
Firstly, he bizarrely thinks nothing can beat “fish and chips on a cold night on a beach”…
And secondly, he shows a profound lack of self-awareness by suggesting his favourite band is The Clash.
It's like when David Cameron said ‘Eton Rifles’ was one of his favourite songs and The Jam’s Paul Weller had to remind him that the lyrics are actually criticising Eton.
Despite Johnson talking for almost five minutes, he didn’t tell us anything we wanted to know…
And for the third election in a row, the Tories are unbelievably still talking about a “coalition of chaos”.
It's also been suggested that these videos are designed to be hate-shared to spread the Conservatives’ message online.
But let’s be honest, can you imagine anyone wanting to vote for the Tories after watching this video?
David Brent for Prime Minister is not what the country needs right now.
More: Boris Johnson lays his poppy wreath upside down during Remembrance Sunday service
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