
Boris Johnson has finally agreed a Brexit deal but not everyone is convinced

Boris Johnson has defied the odds to reach a Brexit deal with the EU, both parties have confirmed.

But after an agonising 11 months of extensions, Tory leadership races, civil unease and parliamentary chaos since the EU first approved Theresa May’s deal – is the new agreement achieved by Mr Johnson any better than that of his predecessor, and will it pass through the Commons?

It seems that few are convinced ... here's what the politicians, the pundits and the public have to say.

Leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn quickly said Labour would vote against the deal, writing on Twitter:

From what we know, Johnson's negotiated a worse deal than Theresa May. This sell-out deal risks our rights, protections and NHS. It won’t bring the country together and should be rejected.

And appeared to make a strong move towards a second referendum...

After years of promoting a no-deal Brexit and urging the UK to get it over with, Nigel Farage appears to have lost the plot.

While Nicola Sturgeon remained firmly on brand, saying the new deal heralds a "much harder Brexit".

Most importantly, the DUP said bluntly their position had not changed.

But Boris Johnson appears to have come up trumps ... and thrown the DUP under the Brexit battle bus, according to The Guardian's Lisa O'Carroll.

All things considered, this assessment seems fair.

But, more immediately and not for the first time since June 2016, our future lies in the EU’s hands now ... ironic, right?

The leaders of which appear to be satisfied with the proposed deal.

Twitter had a lot to say about the news.

It's definitely worth remembering that the best deal on offer is the one we currently have, with a whole range of opt-outs that mean we pay less into the EU budget, retain tighter border controls (if that’s your thing), and increased legal independence … plus, you know, access to the world’s largest trading bloc and the freedom to live, work and build a life in 26 other countries.

While we're on the subject of things worth remembering…

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