Kiara Keane
Dec 05, 2016

Schoolchildren should be taught "British values" of tolerance, democracy and respect to help bind communities together amid growing "ethnic segregation", a major government-commissioned review has said.
Dame Louise Casey - who was brought in by David Cameron to report on social integration amid concerns hundreds of radicalised young Britons were joining Islamic State - warned the country was becoming more divided as it became more diverse.
Following a year-long study, she said there were areas which were struggling to cope with the pace and scale of change they faced as a result of immigration while there were still large social and economic gaps between different ethnic groups.
In a wide-ranging set of recommendations the review called for more English classes for isolated groups, greater mixing among young people through activities such as sport, and a new "oath of integration" enshrining British values for all holders of public office.
So with those values in mind, do you think that you could pass a British citizenship test?
Additional reporting: PA
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