As Donald Trump’s presidency winds to a close, few things will be as prominent to his legacy as his association with white supremacy.
From the inclusion of Steve Bannon in his earliest team of advisers to refusing to denounce white supremacy for over a minute in an actual Presidential debate, Trump’s first and only term has been full of scary moments.
So much so, that the Daily Show with Trevor Noah has put together a reel of some of the most glaringly undeniable moments Trump was happier to entrench political and racial divisions, rather than bridge them.
It comes as waves of organisations seek to separate themselves from Trump, following last week’s Capitol riots, a culmination of his continued endorsement of these politics.
The video shines a light on just how prominently white supremacist discourse has featured in his power over the US, dating right back the campaign trail, when he was retweeting Twitter accounts with handles such as @WhiteGenocideTM.
It also allows viewers to remember times like when Trump claimed to “know nothing” about David Duke following his endorsement of his campaign.
You know, the little-known former leader of the Ku Klux Klan?
Yeah, him. Back in 2016. When voters were still making their minds up.
Amongst that are some more recent examples, such as last summer’s video of his supporters chanting “white power” over and over, which he tweeted thanks for.
The compilation footage was shared to the show’s Twitter, and has since racked up almost a million views:
It understandably stirred the emotions of his critics as they reflected on just how far he was allowed to take this behaviour.
Trump’s own niece has stated before that separating himself from white supremacists would “never happen”, as “he'd have to denounce himself”. This came after the Proud Boys debacle during one of last year’s presidential debates.
So many of the examples featured are rooted in Twitter, a platform he is banned from ever using again. Like most other platforms on the internet.
At this rate, he’ll be offering up the rest of his support to the white supremacists of America via blimp.