
Forget the traditional Boxing Day hunt, Fantastic Mr Fox is on TV

As hunting parties ready themselves for traditional Boxing Day hunts, Sports Minister Tracey Crouch has said that said fox hunting is a "pursuit from the past" and should be "consigned to history".

Around 250,000 people are expected to take part or support fox hunting outings today, while opposition to hunting with hounds has just hit an all-time high in the UK.

Even most Tory voters (70 per cent) are opposed to David Cameron's promise to repeal the 2004 ban, and opposition is just as strong in rural areas as urban areas, with 84 per cent and 82 per cent opposed respectively, pollsters Ipsos Mori found.

So if you decided to stay in today, Channel 4 has a treat which appears to be more in keeping with the public mood: the Hollywood adaptation of Roald Dahl's Fantastic Mr Fox is currently on TV.

Well played, Channel 4. Well played.

More: Why does the government want to relax the fox-hunting ban when almost everyone wants them to keep it?

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