Harriet Marsden
Nov 28, 2016

Getty Images / Andreas Rentz
You may remember the story of a poor man called John Lewis, whose Twitter account is barraged every Christmas. The internet knows him as 'The John Lewis Guy'.
His bold choice of Twitter handle, with no additions of numbers or punctuation, has doomed him to a lifetime of tweets meant for the department store.
Luckily, his responses are pretty lit...
In fact, this year the company actually sent him a personalised Christmas 'thank you' package.
Someone may have a similar, bigger problem on their hands.
One Twitter user, French journalist François Fillon (@FR_Fillon), is being repeatedly mistaken for François Fillon (@FrancoisFillon).
Fillon the politician is about as far from the politically neutral Twitter doppelgänger as it's possible to get.
Former Prime Minister of France under President Nicolas Sarkozy, Fillon just achieved an important victory in the running for the Republican presidential primaries.
Today, the Guardian called him "as big a threat to liberal values as Marine Le Pen".
His opposition to gay rights, his strongly 'Catholic' stance on so-called 'family values' and his rejection of multiculturalism have made him both a social media force and target.
Unfortunately, journalist Fillon is now on the receiving end of hundreds of misguided messages, particularly since his victory last week.
And he's had just about enough.
STOP. I am not @FrancoisFillon. Stop your messages, your calls, your texts. Please read the profiles before tweeting.
Somehow we don't anticipate this case of mistaken identity ending in a Christmas gift.
More: This student fooled the internet into thinking the John Lewis advert was here early
More: Mock Christmas ad tells John Lewis to stop promoting 'unity' while funding 'hate'
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