Narjas Zatat
Jul 12, 2019

Paras Griffin/ Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty
Senator Kamala Harris slammed Donald Trump, calling his treatment of undocumented immigrants 'predatory'.
The Democrat 2020 presidential candidate appeared on MSNBC, where she said:
The best tool in the tool belt of the predator against an undocumented immigrant is to convince that victim that if you report the crime against you – rape, child assault, fraud ― it is you who will be treated as the criminal.
She added that his behaviour is like that of a “predator” during an address in Iowa, highlighting the president’s “predatory nature.”
"And the thing about predators, you must … most importantly know, predators are cowards,” she said.
Continuing on MSNBC she added: “So, when he makes these grand proclamations through his big tweets, what he is doing ― I believe intentionally ― is trying to create fear in these individuals and these families and that is not the sign of a strong president.”
The display of strength in my book is you lift people up, you don’t beat them down. But this guy in the White House has a continuous pattern of trying to beat people down. Specifically on this issue, on the census.
Many people online were in agreement with Harris's assessment of Trump's treatment of immigrants
Lots of American politicians, including Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have documented the atrocious treatment of immigrants in detention facilities in America.
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