
Teen gets standing ovation after coming out as gay in speech to Catholic school

Teen gets standing ovation after coming out as gay in speech to Catholic school

The internet can be a dark place sometimes. But thankfully, it can provide rare moments of joy and hope.

This week a student was met with a standing ovation after he came out as gay during a school assembly at his Catholic high school. Finn Stannard’s speech, in front of students at Saint Ignatius’ College in Riverview, Australia, has received thousands of views.

I’ve been working towards this speech for four years

In those four years, I have come to understand who I am and how to not be sorry for being myself.

He told students that his parents reacted with love and acceptance when he told them he was gay. Though he said he had worried that his school peers would not accept him.

Announcing yourself to the world is pretty terrifying because… what if the world doesn’t like you?

He said that he decided to speak publicly about his sexuality because he didn’t want anyone else to experience the “feeling of loss” he went through.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott and former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce, who opposed same-sex marriage in Australia’s referendum campaign, are former pupils at the school.

Head teacher Paul Hinessaid said Finn’s speech was a “watershed” moment.

I’m not sure anyone chooses their sexuality, that’s who they are and therefore we need to be open to that and to accept it and to make sure we live in communities of inclusion—and with that will come diversity

H/T: The Daily Dot / SBS News

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