
The Times seems to think there are 610,000 communists in London

If Jeremy Corbyn was expecting a honeymoon period from the British press, after his landslide leadership victory, he was sorely mistaken.

He has already faced criticism that his shadow cabinet does not include women in positions of power and that his leadership could lead to "union chaos".

What has been slightly bizarre is the way that his transport choices have been scrutinised.

On the spread of pages 6-7 of Monday’s The Times, you may have seen an article titled “Marr is snubbed for a day at church”, which described Corbyn’s first day in office as leader of the opposition.

The article opened as follows:

The new Labour leader treated himself to a black cab at his home yesterday, abandoning the Chairman Mao-style bicycle his neighbours always see him riding (Dominic Kennedy and Sam Coates write). Other than that, Jeremy Corbyn treated much of the weekend like any other.

The phrase 'Chairman Mao-style bicycle', seems a little strange - implying a direct link between cycling and the Little Red Book is bizarre at best.

In 2014 there was an average of 610,000 cycling journeys a day in London, according to TfL, which equates (if we are to believe The Times) to over half a million commutes of raging communists through the capital.

According to Cycling Weekly, Jeremy Corbyn rides a blue Trek 721 Multitrack - surprisingly not red.

In addition, The Telegraph has written a piece on how London cab drivers, some of whom are members of the Unite union, have volunteered their taxis for Corbyn's use during his campaign - unsurprising considering his pro-union stance in a pro-union party.

It was framed slightly differently, however:

Jeremy Corbyn is being chauffeured around by his own London cabbie linked to the Unite union, Labour’s biggest paymasters, the Daily Telegraph can disclose.


More:The Times thinks there are 610,000 communists in London every day

More:People are sharing images of what Jeremy Corbyn and David Cameron were up to in the 1980s

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