Theresa May admitted the country is in crisis after spending months in and out of the House of Commons as she presented Brexit deal after Brexit deal which was voted down.
With 10 days go to before the Brexit deadline, it appears the country is heading towards a no-deal Brexit.
May plans to write to European Council President Donald Tusk and it has been suggested that she intends to ask for a delay to Brexit.
The PM’s spokesman said: “If you look back to the speech she gave just before the [second vote on her deal], she said if MPs did not support [it] we would be in a crisis."
I think events yesterday tell you that that situation has come to pass.
This latest move has people online scratching their heads, because...well...we've been heading there for a few months
People are relieved, at least, that there has been acknowledgement of the sorry state of Brexit affairs after months of back and forth
Her admission comes after the Speaker of the House, John Bercow, blocked May from holding a third vote on her Brexit deal.
Addressing the Commons, he said he would not allow a third vote on a motion that was “substantially the same” as the one MPs rejected last week.
Some people blamed Bercow's decision to block a third vote, whilst others praised him
But mostly, people are in agreement: with ten days to go, Britain's Brexit situation is critical
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