Sophia Ankel
Mar 08, 2019
Other than being president of the United States at one point in time, Donald Trump and Barack Obama have nothing else in common.
From Christmas greetings to school shooting reactions, these two leaders have shown us time and time again how differently they do things, the latest of which involves what they have to say for International Women's Day.
Comparing two tweets by both Trump and Obama posted around the same time today, journalist Oliver Willis pointed just how differently they think.
While Trump took to Twitter in the early mornings of 8 March to tweet angrily about Paul Manafort (he has just been sentenced to four years in jail thanks to the Robert Mueller investigation)...
...Obama dedicated his first tweet of the day to "our daughters" and women "who are building the future".
Then, shortly after his first tweet, Trump posted about the female unemployment rate decreasing since January 2011 — the only issue being is that this was all most likely Obama's doing...
To make matters worse Trump's first tweet of the day was about the wall and then thanking Fox and Friends.
Oh, the irony.
More: The difference between Trump and Obama in two photos
More: 8 ways gender inequality still exists - and why we still need International Women's Day

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