
Donald Trump gets heckled by Bernie Sanders supporters at a rally, tells security to 'confiscate their coats'

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump encouraged security to kick out Bernie Sanders supporters from his rally in Vermont on Thursday night.

This is fairly normal behaviour from a politician whose rally had been upstaged, but what was abnormal was his encouraging of his security team to confiscate their coats.

Around half an hour into his speech, he was interrupted by chanting from Sanders supporters.

Trump shouted to his security team:

There’s a remnant, right there. Yeah, ok. Throw him out into the cold.

Don’t give them their coat. No coats. No coats. Confiscate their coat.

It's about 10 degrees below zero outside... You can keep his coat; tell him we'll send it to him in a couple of weeks.

Watch the video, below:

The Guardian's Ben Jacobs tweeted that protesters were taking extra precautions after Trump's instructions:

It's unclear currently whether any Sanders supporters' coats were actually confiscated.

All we know is that Trump has an interesting concept of what he is empowered to do at rallies. We just wonder what he had planned for all those coats...

HT The Hill

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