
Brits divided on whether to call general election 'genny lec' or 'snappy gen'

Brits divided on whether to call general election 'genny lec' or 'snappy gen'
Rishi Sunak announces general election on July 4 2024

On Wednesday, Rishi Sunak announced outside a rainy Downing Street that there will be a general election on July 4 where Brits will decide who they want to be prime minister.

But before the public answers this all-important question, there's another politics-related debate happening online - what alternative name have Brits decided on to mark this event?

There is nothing the British people love more than making a fun nickname for an occasion, as previously demonstrated in 2022 for the late Queen Elizabeth II's platinum jubilee which was shortened to "Platty Joobs."

Other examples include having a "menty b" aka a mental breakdown, "holibobs" when on holiday, and the cost of living crisis being referred to as "cozzie lives."

For the upcoming summer general election, the consensus on social media seems to be that "genny lec" is the best word to sum it up:

BBC Newscast were discussing the topic and managed to find a woman named Jenny Leckey, whose name is often shortened by friends as "Jenny Lec."

Although not everyone is on board with the nickname...

Perhaps "snappy gen"?

Snappy G does have a ring to it...

We've got until July 4 to figure this out... either way prepare to see the words "genny lec" and "snappy g" all over your social media feeds for the foreseeable.

Elsewhere, 21 of the funniest Rishi Sunak getting soaked in the rain memes.

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