
Ivanka Trump is distancing herself from her father’s election complaints and people aren’t having it

Ivanka Trump is distancing herself from her father’s election complaints and people aren’t having it
Alex Wong/Getty Images

Ivanka Trump and her husband are reportedly trying to distance themselves from Donald Trump’s incessant claims that he was cheated out of the election.

12 former members of Trump’s administration, as well as friends, have reportedly told CNN that Ivanka and Kushner have not been around Trump as much as they had been previously been.

One source told CNN: “They weren’t around for the usual spring and summer events at Mar-a-Lago.” Another claimed that Ivanka is now attempting to spend more time with her children and steer clear of politics including Trump’s baseless conspiracy theories.

However, many have been quick to criticise Ivanka for this move as, although she didn’t explicitly support any of the conspiracy theories, she did share and then delete a tweet calling those involved in the 6th January capitol riots “American Patriots.”

The anti-Trump Republican activist group The Lincoln Group said that “there can be no second act for Donald Trump’s enablers.”

Many others echoed their thoughts, including Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen.

The CNN report also states that Trump has begun to question the role Kushner played in his presidency. But some have brushed off these claims as he is used to the occasional Trump outburst and criticism and “knows Trump acknowledges his successes.”

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