Science & Tech

Science news - live: 'Alien corpses' unveiled to Mexican Congress

Science news - live: 'Alien corpses' unveiled to Mexican Congress

Scientists Just Got a Look at the Ultra-Low Velocity Zone Nearly 2,000 Miles Under the Surface

ZMG - Amaze Lab / VideoElephant

It feels like this year, more than any other, we’re seeing a stream of science stories that continue to blow our minds.

Every day is a school day online in 2023, and a host of studies, research papers and headline-making breakthroughs have completely changed our understanding of the world around us at every turn.

There have been missions to the moon and findings about our planet which could turn everything we thought we knew on its head – not to mention baffling hearings on UFOs taking place in the US congress.

These are the biggest science stories so far this year that have caught our attention in a big way.


Scientists discover continent that had been missing for 375 years


Geoscientists discovered a continent that had been hiding in plain sight for almost 375 years.

Historically, there's been speculation about whether a continent known as Zealandia or Te Riu-a-Māui in the Māori language exists.

Read more here.

'Alien corpses' unveiled in Mexico divide conspiracy theorists


Christmas has come early for UFO watchers, with the alleged corpses of real-life aliens displayed for the world to see.

The startling revelation came during a congress hearing in Mexico City on Tuesday, titled the Public Assembly for the Regulation of Unidentified Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

During the session, which was streamed online, Mexican ufologist Jaime Maussan presented what he claimed were two perfectly preserved “non-human entities”.

Read more here.

Massive ocean discovered beneath the Earth's crust containing more water than on the surface


People are only just realising that there’s a massive ocean hidden under the Earth’s crust.

It turns out there’s a huge supply of water 400 miles underground stored in rock known as 'ringwoodite'.

Scientists previously discovered that water is stored inside mantle rock in a sponge-like state, which isn’t a liquid, solid or a gas, but instead a fourth state.

Read more here.

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