In the 90s, when Noel Gallagher was still relevant and the UK was still in Europe and not locked in Westminster turmoil, the Manchurian musician was more than happy to dip his toe into politics.
He campaigned strongly to have Tony Blair and his new wave of Labour politics get elected to office in 1997 but hasn't been too vocal about what goes on in British politics since then.
Now the 52-year-old, in a fascinating interview with the Manchester Evening News which took place before his gig in Manchester's Heath Park, last week, has given his thoughts on the entire Brexit situation, which he has conflicting opinions on.
Whilst Gallagher admits that leaving Europe is ultimately something that he is against, despite adding that he didn't vote in the 2016 referendum, he had some strong thoughts on the many activists who have tirelessly campaigned against leaving the EU.
There’s only one f**king thing worse that a fool who voted for Brexit. That’s the rise of the c**** trying to get the vote overturned.
You take part in a democratic f**king process – if you don’t like the outcome, go to North Korea…I sat the day of Brexit and thought:
‘I can’t be arsed going to the polling station, who the f**k would vote to leave Europe? It’s a nonsensical f**king idea’. And you wake up the next day and think: ‘F**king hell, shit.’
But the thing that is taking place after that is frankly a disgrace. It’s a disgrace when you see people trying to get that vote overturned.
Because that’s fascism. Straight up. Pure and simple. Flying in the face of democracy, no matter what, because you don’t like what f**king happened.
None of us like it. But there it is, it’s happened. I get really f**king cross at myself for not voting, as I’m sure a lot of people didn’t vote.
They didn’t because they were thinking no one’s going to vote to leave, it’s a ridiculous idea. But now, I would defend the rights of people who voted to leave, it has to f**king go through.
Elsewhere in the interview, Gallagher takes aim at Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott, Tony Blair and Nigel Farage throughout the explosive interview, which has divided opinions online.
For those opposed to Brexit, Gallagher's outspoken take on the subject has proven controversial.
However, on the other side of the argument, many have found his comments on the state of British politics, to be honest and refreshing.
Noel's comments, despite appearing to be against Brexit does have a ring of patriotism behind it which was also prevalent in his brother Liam's comments in 2017, which were considerably more restrained and, dare we say, sensible.
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