Tory MP sent graffitied mask calling school covid policies ‘abusive’ desmond swayneschoolstorympface masksdesmond swayneJan 04, 2022
No, more people haven’t died on UK roads than from Covid desmond swaynegovernmentcoronavirus pandemiccovidoffice for national statisticsroadstorydesmond swayneDec 15, 2021
Tory MP says voters have a right to elect misogynists and racists desmond swaynempdesmond swayneDec 02, 2021
Tory MP tries to claim people will face vaccination ‘discrimination’ desmond swayneparliamenttoryvaccinegovernmentdesmond swayneDec 02, 2020
Tory MP compares wearing a mask to being 'like Darth Vader' desmond swaynestar warstoriesface maskdesmond swayneAug 27, 2020
Tory MP moans people have 'lost their sense of humour' about blackface desmond swaynedesmond swayneJul 18, 2020
MP who said face masks are ‘monstrous’ once defended blackface desmond swaynedesmond swayneJul 15, 2020
Tory MP who once wore blackface says 'looters have it coming' black lives matterdonald trumpdominic cummingsdesmond swayneprotestsblackfaceblack lives matterJun 04, 2020
Sony reveals exactly why PlayStation Network went down for 24 hours playstationps5sonyvideo gamesgamesplaystation3h1739089388
GTA 6 LIVE: Official release date update revealed gta 6rockstar gamesgrand theft autovideo gamesgamestake-twogta 63h1739090021
Liz Truss finds something else to blame for Tories' election defeat Liz Trussplastic strawsdonald trumpexecutive ordersrepublicantruth socialliz trussLiz TrussFeb 08, 2025
Adin Ross responds to Kanye West interview request adin rosskanye westkai cenatstreamertwittersocial mediaadin ross43m
There's no better time to be a female F1 creator and fangirl - here's why formula 1aston martintiktokcontent creatorsdrive to survivenetflixfangirlformula 1Jan 27, 2025
A missing woman investigation has been solved after 52 years missing personuk newsnewsmissingmissing personhannah kobayashiJan 02, 2025
Experts debunk TikTok skincare trend using bananas as 'natural botox' trendskincarebananahealthbotoxbeautytrendFeb 02, 2025
I was a nail-biter for 25 years - this is what stopped me for good beautynailsmanicurehealthmental healthbeautyJan 30, 2025